find FAITH.
find FAMILY.
find your FUTURE.
Worship With Us
Sundays at 11:30 AM (PST)
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. -Matthew 18:20​
In-person Worship
Sunday Worship / 11:30 AM (PST)
Wednesday Bible Study / 7:00 PM (PST)
Enhancing the Body of CHRIST
Here at Ebenezer Berkeley, we believe in the life changing power of Jesus Christ. Through prayer, worship and the Word, we create an atmosphere for all to have an encounter with God that will break chains, destroy generational curses and restore spirits that have been broken. If you have ever felt lost, lonely or left behind, allow us to reveal to you a Love that is ever-present!
Elevating the Body of CHRIST
We have faith in the power of unity. With genuine love and fellowship, we connect our hearts and minds to be on one accord in Christ. Supporting one another as we navigate the mountain tops and valleys of life, and encouraging each other at all times.
Equipping the Body of CHRIST
We know that various trials and struggles are apart of our walk through this world. Armed with God's Word and generations of wisdom, we equip our members with spiritual understanding, so that one might be steadfast in their relationship with Christ, unmovable in their faith, and fearless in their pursuit of victory.
"If you have great expectations then you have a great prayer life. If you don't have a great prayer life, then you don't have great expectations."
Kevin D. Craddock II
Contact Ebenezer Berkeley
1839 Woolsey Street, Berkeley, California 94703